Your Journey, Your Smile
We understand that every health journey is personal- which is why creating a tailored experience for every guest is at the heart of how we work. Discover how these personalized plans have led our existing clients to a brighter, more confident future.
Dental Implant by Neeraj Puri
"The team at Integrated Dentalcare is wonderful. I have never had one bad experience. I have just had an implant put in, which can be a very daunting experience but Neeraj has put me at ease from the very start. It has been a very successful experience." - Marine

Implant Supported Tooth by Neeraj Puri and Bite and Tooth Positioning by Dr Allan Matthews
Sandy had long-term bite issues that resulted in the eventual breakage and loss of his front due to his bite issues. He underwent orthodontic treatment with Dr Allan Matthews to resolve the bite issue and improve his smile's cosmetics. At the same time, Dr Matthews created the optimal space to put back a tooth. Following the bite correction, Sandy settled on an implant-supported solution with Dr Neeraj Puri, which was deemed the best solution as it was self-supporting and did not involve cutting down natural teeth. The treatment involved comprehensive multi-disciplinary planning, digital design, orthodontics, restorative work, and navigation-guided surgery. The outcome was a fully functional tooth that improved both the aesthetics and long-term function of his dentition, mitigating the risk of other teeth suffering a similar fate.



Dental Implant by Neeraj Puri

Dental Implant by Neeraj Puri

Implant Supported Denture by Neeraj Puri

Implant Supported Denture by Neeraj Puri
Helen was wearing a denture for many years that she was trying to hold in with denture glue. It kept moving, affecting her confidence to communicate during her exhibitions as she is an artist. She was worried about having treatment because she wasn’t sure if she could manage it. We helped her through the stages until she was rewarded with a fantastic smile and teeth that no longer moved.

Implant Supported Denture by Neeraj Puri
Suffering from years of severe gum disease resulted in the teeth drifting and becoming crowded. This gentleman felt uncomfortable with his smile. The problems had persisted for so long that there was limited bone left. A denture supported by implants was deemed to be the best option. We designed a realistic-looking smile which looks like it belongs there, now supported by optimally placed implants. The result shows a much more youthful and confident experience for this client. Now everything is back on the menu!

Implant Supported Denture by Neeraj Puri
Doreen had discomfort when eating due to failing dentition and felt that her smile was unsightly, as she had many fractured teeth. The patient wanted to be able to eat better and feel confident when she smiled. Following a detailed assessment, it was decided that none of the upper teeth could be saved. As a result, Doreen received a custom-made premium-quality implant denture with high-grade composite teeth and no palate. This is the ideal denture solution if the lip is sunken in. The smile collapse has been resolved, and Doreen’s smile appears younger.

Implant, Composite Bonding, and Crowns by Neeraj Puri
Elaine had a missing tooth, which she wanted to replace with a supporting solution. She also wanted to take the opportunity to address the appearance of the other front three teeth. This can be challenging when many different procedures must be carried out, especially with a high lip where everything is displayed. Here, a laser-guided implant placement using Waterlase and X-guide, composite bonding, and a crown were created for the new smile. The end is a seamless, natural result which markedly enhances the tired smile.

Dental Implant by Neeraj Puri
Caroline wanted to address her failing front tooth. She is an active golf player and socialite. The tooth had to be lost as it risked destroying the bone underneath due to constant infections. She wanted an implant-supported solution, meaning other teeth would remain untouched. The outcome is a natural-looking tooth and gum that blends in the surroundings supported by an optimally placement implant to achieve maximum life expectancy.

Laser Sculpting for Gummy Smile Correction by Neeraj Puri

Zirconia Dental Implant by Neeraj Puri
Claire requested a metal-free solution to replace a failing tooth. After removing the tooth, a piece of zirconia implant was placed using navigation-guided technology. No stitches were necessary, and faster healing was achieved thanks to using the laser. A custom-made zirconia/ceramic crown was fitted—imperceptible from the surroundings.

Implant Supported Bridges by Neeraj Puri
Failing teeth in the upper and lower jaw left too few teeth to function properly. It was decided to place full jaw bridges with implants. Marion was delighted with her life-enhancing results.

Aligners, Bonding, and Veneers by Allan Matthews

Aligners and Composite Bonding by Allan Matthews

Braces and Bonding by Allan Matthews

Restorative and Dentures by Allan Matthews

Aligners and Bonding by Allan Matthews

Veneers by Allan Matthews

Braces and Bonding by Allan Matthews

Aligners and Bonding by Allan Matthews

Aligners and Crown by Allan Matthews

Aligners and Bonding by Allan Matthews

Braces and Bonding by Allan Matthews

Implant Supported Dentures by Neeraj Puri

Ceramic Crowns, Veneers, and Composite Bonding by Louise Magilton

Dental Implant by Neeraj Puri