Why is my jaw in pain after treatment?

December 10, 2023

Dental treatments can cause unexpected discomfort and jaw pain in patients, especially those that involve prolonged mouth opening. It is common for individuals to experience tired and sore muscles in their jaw after specific procedures. The reasons behind jaw pain after treatment can vary, such as dental instruments requiring significant pressure, overextension of the jaw, or TMJ disorders.  

It is essential to manage jaw pain efficiently to avoid complications such as difficulty eating and speaking. This blog will discuss various ways to manage jaw pain, including home remedies, pain medications, and relaxation techniques. We will also explore when to seek additional support from your dentist or a medical professional.

Common Causes of Jaw Pain Post-Treatment:  

  1. Prolonged Mouth Opening: After undergoing a dental procedure, it is not uncommon to experience jaw pain. This discomfort is usually caused by prolonged mouth opening, which can result in fatigue and strain in the jaw muscles. This type of pain can persist for some time, making it difficult to eat, speak or even smile.
  1. Manipulation of Soft Tissues: During dental treatments, it is common for the dentist to manipulate soft tissues in the oral cavity, such as the tongue, lips, and cheeks. This manipulation can sometimes cause trauma to the surrounding muscles, resulting in inflammation and pain. This type of trauma is often responsible for triggering pain and inflammation, which can be pretty uncomfortable for the patient.

Management Strategies for Jaw Pain:  

Remind Yourself That It’s Only Temporary: It is not uncommon to experience jaw pain after undergoing treatment, and it's essential to understand that it is usually temporary. To help alleviate the discomfort, your fatigued muscles need time to recuperate, which typically takes around two weeks. During this period, it's crucial to be patient and not panic.

Adjust Your Diet: A soft diet is also essential, as it can reduce the strain on your jaw muscles. Hard and chewy foods should be avoided, and instead, it's best to opt for softer food options like soups, mashed potatoes, and smoothies. Sticking to a soft diet can help speed up recovery and minimise discomfort.

Over-the-counter medication: Take over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen to manage pain and reduce inflammation. However, it's crucial to adhere to the recommended dosage and seek advice from a healthcare professional if there are any concerns or if the pain persists.

Hot & Cold Compress: Applying hot and cold compresses to the affected area is also recommended. Initially, a cold pack can help decrease inflammation, while a warm compress can later soothe the muscles. Using hot and cold packs can help alleviate the pain and swelling associated with jaw pain. Be sure to consult your healthcare provider for additional advice and guidance.

When to Seek Further Assistance:  

It is not uncommon to experience discomfort in the jaw after undergoing treatment. However, patients should know that persistent pain may indicate an underlying issue. If the discomfort is severe and not alleviated by over-the-counter medications, scheduling a follow-up appointment with a medical professional is recommended. It is important to note that if the pain persists for more than a few weeks despite following recommended care guidelines, seeking further medical attention is advised.  

Other symptoms, such as swelling, difficulty in jaw movement, or headaches, should also be taken seriously and evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. By taking proactive steps, patients can ensure that they receive the appropriate medical care and avoid any potential complications.

Remember This:

Jaw pain after dental treatment is common but manageable. Applying a cold compress and taking pain medication can alleviate the pain. Follow care instructions, avoid hard/chewy foods, and attend follow-up appointments. Seek professional advice if the pain persists. With time and proper care, the pain should decrease, allowing you to enjoy your dental treatment without discomfort.

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