An Introduction to Cosmetic Dentistry

July 8, 2024

Cosmetic dentistry is a specialised branch of dental care that focuses on enhancing the aesthetic appeal of a person's smile. While traditional dentistry primarily addresses oral health and hygiene, cosmetic dentistry goes a step further by improving the appearance of teeth, gums, and bites. This branch of dentistry offers various procedures and treatments to help individuals achieve a more attractive smile and boost their confidence.

The Goal of Cosmetic Dentistry

The main goal of cosmetic dentistry is to improve the overall look of your smile, often through procedures that can address issues such as tooth discolouration, misalignment, shape, size, and overall appearance. There are numerous cosmetic dentistry options available to address a wide range of dental concerns and provide patients with the smile they desire.

Some common cosmetic dentistry procedures include teeth whitening, dental veneers, composite bonding, dental implants, crowns, bridges, and orthodontic treatments. Each of these treatments is designed to enhance the aesthetic aspects of a person's smile. Whether you are looking to improve the colour, shape, alignment, or overall appearance of your teeth, cosmetic dentistry offers tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

It's important to note that while cosmetic dentistry primarily focuses on improving the appearance of teeth, many treatments can also provide functional benefits. For example, dental implants not only restore the look of missing teeth but also improve chewing and speaking abilities. Similarly, orthodontic treatments not only address misaligned teeth but also contribute to better jaw alignment.

The Cosmetic Treatments We Offer

At our Edinburgh West End practice, our experienced team offers the following cosmetic treatments:

Teeth Alignment: We offer various teeth alignment options, including traditional braces and clear aligners, to straighten your teeth and create a beautifully aligned smile.

Composite Bonding: This non-invasive procedure involves applying a tooth-coloured composite resin material to the surface of the teeth to reshape, repair, or enhance their appearance.

Porcelain Veneers: Porcelain veneers are an excellent option for transforming your smile. These custom-made, wafer-thin shells are bonded to the front surface of the teeth to improve their appearance and correct issues such as discolouration, gaps, and misalignment.

Teeth Whitening: We provide professional teeth whitening treatments to help you achieve a brighter, more radiant smile. Our whitening procedures are safe, effective, and tailored to meet your specific needs.

Internal Tooth Whitening: We offer internal tooth whitening to restore the natural colour and vitality of teeth that have darkened after root canal treatment.

Stain Removal: Our stain removal treatments can effectively eliminate stubborn stains and discolouration, leaving your teeth looking cleaner and brighter.

Crown Lengthening: If you have a "gummy smile" or require more tooth structure for restorative reasons, we offer crown lengthening procedures to adjust the gum and bone levels to expose more of the tooth's structure.

Laser Gum Contouring: Our advanced laser gum contouring treatments can sculpt the gum line to create a more balanced, symmetrical smile.

Whether you're looking to improve the alignment, shape, colour, or overall appearance of your teeth, we have the skilled team and treatments to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Contact us today or book your consultation using our online booking system to explore your cosmetic dental options and take the first step towards a more confident and radiant smile.

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0131 225 9093

1 Manor Place Edinburgh EH3 7DH

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